Help! My Toddler Won’t Poop in the Potty

  1. Kristin says:

    Hi! My just turned 5 year old will poop on the potty with a pull up on, but totally resists to the point of screaming and crying if I ask him to go without the pull up. I’ve even tried cutting a hole in it but he still refused. We have done potty sitting time (we’re up to 3 minutes) without the pull up and he does it, but will not try. Recently, we ran out of pull ups to which we agreed no more pull ups. Now he is holding his poop but it’s coming out everytime he passes gas. Hence, a lot of
    accidents! I’m worried it will get worse before it gets better. Any suggestions?

    • Anna says:

      Hi there! I am having the same issue with my 5 year old. He will sit or stand next to the potty with his pull up on. Refuses to go poop in the potty no matter what. I even offered to try the cut a hole in diaper method. I need help.
      My first child went at 2 years old and my youngest watches him a lot use the bathroom no problem. Pooping is just a huge issue for him. What can I do.

    • Kim says:

      I see there were not responses to help but I’m curious if anyone has gotten anywhere with their 5yr olds? We start kindergarten in a week and a half and he still refuses. He’ll be 6 in October. I’m so frustrated and lost at this point. My other song was great by 4!

    • Katie says:

      I’m encouraged to read that I’m not the only one with a 5 year old boy doing the *exact* same things!!! Any tips / advice are appreciated!

  2. Samantha says:

    My daughter who is almost 3 will only poop on the potty if she is pants less. We remind her where poop goes and she can tell you but she daily has accidents with underwear on. She goes to daycare it’s not realistic for her to just be pantless all day. Nothing works. She has zero pee accident it’s only a poop issue

  3. Elaine says:

    My son will be 5 in January . He had gone on the potty a ton of times when I tell him to sit and go . Then a few hours later when I’m not watching him poops his underwear . This happens daily . He’s not scared of the potty as he’s gotten dozens of large stools out in it . Yet he still constantly poops in his underwear . I can have him go and a reacting time – he will go , and still poop on himself sometime after . Never pees himself . I’m at a loss none of my other kids did this .

  4. Mallory Mock says:

    I am right there with you! I have a 5 year old that has no problem going potty but refuses to poop. He continually poops in his underwear. He will sit on the toilet and then get up and 5 minutes later poop in his underwear. He has also started not telling us that he has done it. This is my 3rd child and I had no problems with my other child. We’ve seen doctors, therapist, talked with his school and we have no solution. We tried a special chair, rewards, books, videos, everything and nothing works. I need help!!

  5. Rosa says:

    My 5 year old will not poop in the potty whatsoever. I believe what the situation is that when she is playing / having fun, she does not want to stop to go use the bathroom. Instead, she hides to go in her pants and continue playing like nothing. This pass week at school she has been having accidents just about every day around the same time. What can I do? Any and all tips and advice will be GREATLY appreciated!

    • Dana Carrasco says:

      If you know she does go at a certain time everyday, try taking her on the potty and make her sit. Play games or songs and sing. My friend told me they play the guess what you’re thinking game and make her guess, a color, disney princess, shape, etc

  6. Dana Carrasco says:

    My 3 year old will not poop in the potty. She pees just fine all by herself. But when she has to poop she will go in her pants and will not try to sit on the potty. When I try to take her myself, she just cries and will not stop until I take her off. She will hold it in and not go on it. She has pooped on the potty only twice before and now she will not go at all or even try. I dont know what to do. Her friends are pooping on the potty and I tell her that. She goes to daycare. I try to get her to go on weekends but she will hold it on and not go all weekend. She will go in her pull up, or underwear (if I put it on her) at daycare

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