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Tired of Having to Yell to Get Your Kids to Listen?

Discover my research-based discipline formula & start seeing better cooperation today!

In this 55-minute workshop, I’ll share with you practical tools for increasing your child’s cooperation without having to resort to all the things you hate like yelling, threatening and punishing!

Best for parents with kids 10 and under.

Watch the Discipline Workshop!

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Free Discipline Workshop

Bonus Gift for Attending

Feel Confident

Stop Yelling

Discipline with Patience

Stop Yelling

Feel Confident 

Increase Cooperation

Insert Fun Tagline Here

Start Connecting

After this workshop, you’ll know

How to get out of the cycle of constantly yelling and “putting out fires”

How to set boundaries & age-appropriate consequences with confidence (what to do & say)

Why kids misbehave & how to intervene

Ready to feel 
confident in your boundaries?

It seems like no matter what you do, your kids won’t listen. And that’s when the yelling starts.

Try This

Free discipline workshop

I know you're tired of yelling but sometimes, it feels like it's the only thing that "works."

You don’t like it. But when you don’t feel heard, yelling seems like the best solution.

But it doesn't work. If it did, why do you have to keep yelling just to get an ounce of cooperation?

Watch my workshop to learn a better way! 

You need the behavior to stop

Stop fighting over toys. 

Stop throwing things & getting aggressive.

Stop being defiant. 

trusted and featured in

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