
Your Weekly Playbook for Confident Parenting: From Tantrums to Teamwork (Ages 1-7)

Every Monday morning, unwrap your parenting cheat codes from Dr. Jazmine – a child psychologist and mom of 3. Transform chaos into cooperation with actionable scripts, real-life strategies, and 'been-there' insights.


Parenting Cheat Codes Delivered Right to Your Inbox

Parenting Cheat Codes Delivered Right to Your Inbox

Parenting Cheat Codes Delivered Right to Your Inbox

Parenting Cheat Codes Delivered Right to Your Inbox

Parenting Cheat Codes Delivered Right to Your Inbox

Challenging behavior doesn't have to challenge you.

To help you feel like “I got this” during your child’s next emotional or defiant episode. You know it’s coming, so why not prepare now so you know exactly what to say?

  • Kicking, throwing, & yelling when they don't get their way
  • Ignoring you or saying, "No" when you give directions
  • Constant sibling fighting and difficulties with sharing (perfect for families with multiple young children)
  • Saying "I hate you" when you set boundaries (common in 4-7 year olds)


Behind the Scenes

Gain exclusive insights into my life as a psychologist and mom of 3, with candid stories of triumphs and stumbles – because real parenting is messy, and you're not alone in this journey.


Real Life Examples

There’s nothing more frustrating than reading advice and thinking, “Yeah but what does this look like in real life?” The newsletter will include case studies & examples to help you apply what you're learning. 


Scripts & Checklists

upcoming topics include:

Reflection Exercises 

Elevate your perspective every week with reflection exercises & mantras to increase your patience & confidence so you can enter each week feeling like, “Let’s goooooooo!”


Monday mornings, I'll send you weekly parenting cheat codes with age-specific tips, scripts, and guides to navigate toddler and preschooler challenges with confidence.

From guiding curious two-year-olds to preparing spirited five-year-olds for kindergarten (& everything in between), I've got you covered - minus the guilt and overwhelm.

  • Whining & complaining about your boundaries & rules (tailored strategies for toddlers to young school-age children)
  • Public tantrums like when it's time to leave the park (age-appropriate techniques for 1-7 year olds)

You have a game plan for your child's next tantrum, angry mood, or sibling battle

You're equipped with the right words to say the next time your child refuses to listen to your directions (so you're not constantly repeating yourself or dishing out punishments)
You're growing as a parent, breaking cycles, and no longer feel so guilty and overwhelmed 

Imagine starting each week knowing...


Hi, I'm  Dr. Jazmine

I’m a psychologist, mom of 3 and certified child translator. I help parents go from, “Huh??” to “I got this.”

Raising the next generation is arguably the most important work of society, and yet no one teaches us how to win at it. But I’m here to help turn that around.

I've empowered thousands of parents to transform their family dynamics, boosting their confidence, clarity, and connection with their children - and now, I'm here to guide you on your journey to becoming the parent you've always aspired to be!

Challenging behaviors don't have to overwhelm you. 

 With TMP Times Premium, you'll have age-appropriate tools, expert knowledge, and targeted support to guide your little one through these crucial early years – transforming tantrums, defiance, and meltdowns into opportunities for growth and connection, all while keeping your cool.


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