A place where I discuss all things related to toddlers and motherhood!
As a clinical psychologist, published author, and mother to two cheeky young children, I get it. I’ve spent YEARS researching and filtering through the noise online, so you don’t have to.
Even though I have 2 older daughters, watching my 9-month-old’s curiosity, determination and delight in learning about the world around him is one of my favorite parts of parenting right now.
Whether it’s pulling up to stand, learning how to play fetch with our pet dog (yes, he’s learning how to grab and “throw” the toy (in part thanks to Fisher’s Price’s 123 Crawl With Me Puppy Electronic Toy), point, clap, mimic sounds and say his first words, my son’s brain development is exploding and it’s so fun to watch.
The downside to all of these milestones, though, is the internal and external pressure we experience as parents to raise a “smart” child who meets their milestones “on time” or better yet – earlier than everyone else.
The comparison trap and competitive mindset can sneak into our parenting without even meaning to! And the reality is that the never-ending race to an invisible finish line can zap out of the inherent joy of milestones.
But here’s the thing – we can approach milestones differently. We can take the pressure off of ourselves and show up to these moments with more presence and joy.
That’s why I love the philosophy behind Fisher-Price’s Smilestones – because it’s all about celebrating your unique child just the way they are. It’s about letting go of expectations and celebrating all of the small victories along the way – more on this later but for now when it comes to helping our child reach their milestones, try these 3 things:
One simple way to help encourage children to meet their milestones is to observe where they’re currently at and gently nudge them to take the easiest step forward.
For instance, if you want to encourage your infant to grasp and hold things, try giving them a toy that’s easy to hold like the Fisher-Price Calming Vibes Hedgehog Soother which helps soothe your baby at home or while traveling. You can smile, model how to hold the toy, and offer them the toy as an invitation (or place it on their lap).
Or let’s say they have learned how to stand but haven’t begun cruising (using furniture to assist in walking) yet – place a tantalizing toy slightly away from them (our son is obsessed with remotes so we used ours or you can try the Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Stream and Learn Remote) and encourage them to grab it or try using walkers like this one, which grow alongside your child and help develop their motor skills in fun and interactive ways.
Or let’s imagine you’re trying to prepare your toddler for potty training, start to use potty lingo, read children’s books about potty training, and play out potty scenarios with dolls and figurines to gently approach the conversation about the upcoming milestone.
Whatever milestone you’re trying to encourage – whether it be motor, social, emotional or socialization – take note of where they’re currently at and break it down into small steps. Then ask yourself – “What’s the next step forward? What’s one small step I help them take to get closer to the ultimate goal?”
If you’d like to learn more about easy ways to promote your child’s development at home, be sure to check out the free, research-based resources available on Fisher-Price’s site.
I said this before, but it’s worth saying again – It’s time to take the pressure off of developmental milestones!
The more pressure we bring to parenting, the more stressed and anxious our children will feel. When it comes to learning new skills, children thrive when they feel relaxed and supported.
So the next time you notice yourself feeling stressed about your child’s milestones trust your gut, reach out to your pediatrician and, remind yourself of these simple truths:
When it comes to developmental milestones, it’s important to remember what we can and can’t control.
As adults, we control the environment and our overall approach with our children. Children, on the other hand, control the pace at which they master new skills.
In terms of the environment, it’s important to thoughtfully invest in toys that are not only fun but also support your child’s early learning.
That’s why I’m a fan of Fisher-Price’s Smilestones toys and approach because it helps take the guesswork out of what toys to invest in from infancy to preschool age. I’ve personally visited the Fisher-Price Play Lab and met with the team of child development experts who are dedicated to integrating child development research into their toys. This means their toys are not only fun and engaging but also help your child reach their early developmental milestones.
For instance, Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn Puppy Plush Toy is a hit with our 9-month old. For the past few months, we’ve intentionally used it to foster language development through the power of singing and music. It’s also been fun watching my older children use this toy to play, sing and engage with their baby brother.
As I mentioned earlier, we also love Fisher’s Price’s 123 Crawl With Me Puppy Electronic Toy because it’s such a fun and engaging toy that encourages him to crawl after the toy dog. The cute toy also comes with light-up buttons that encourage interaction and learning with educational songs, sounds, and phrases. This toy will be in our home for years to come because there are options to switch up the learning play as he grows.
Whether you’re shopping in store at Walmart or on the Fisher-Price site, their intuitive navigation makes it so easy to identify toys that are both fun and target specific developmental milestones.
Their system makes shopping for toys less overwhelming and more streamlined (which we desperately need as busy parents and gift givers!). Now you can shop knowing the toy you pick will not only be FUN but also rich in developmental benefits!
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