Finding yourself losing your cool during your child’s tantrums more times than you’d like to admit.
Feeling helpless and not sure how to prevent and/or manage tantrums.
Feeling clueless on what even triggers tantrums.
This 25-page guide will teach you all you need to know about how to understand, prevent and manage tantrums. I have also included tips to manage your anger during those moments and a section for frequently asked questions (FAQs) including public tantrums, separation anxiety, bedtime tantrums, what to do when your child has a tantrum right as you’re headed out the door, and so much more!
Available in e-book format.
I purchased your ultimate tantrum guide yesterday and instantly read it AND today we already had less tantrums just in one day by implementing things from your guide- and my son is a tantrum master.
My daughter just started school for the first time ever and she’s always been a happy child. We go out and she’s fine and content, she sees other kids and she’s outgoing and loves to play. But after she started school she was an emotional wreck. This guide really helped me narrow down her frustrations and emotional tantrums. Overall, it was a great read! We have it printed and in our playroom for reference!”
The Guide is packed with information so you may need to read through it a few times. It helped me understand the tantrum from my sons’ point of views which I selfishly hadn’t considered before. I read through it with my husband and it sparked a conversation about the challenges we each face as parents when tantrums arise. After reading it, I feel empowered to help my little guys through the challenging tantrums ahead of us.”
It made me feel empowered to stay calm when my son is upset and helped me feel confident in knowing what to do. I couldn’t recommend it more!”
If there’s anyone who knows what you’re going through, it’s me. I’ve got two kids of my own, and while motherhood is a blessing beyond measure, people rarely talk about the dark side of it – the side filled with tantrums, yelling, and your-favorite-dresses-filled-with-milk-and-purée.
Well, I’ve spent my life encouraging moms to stand up, speak up, and do what it takes to put themselves back on their to-do list. This is the first step to a smoother-sailing journey through motherhood, and with access to my online community and sisterhood, you’ll soon have the confidence to mother like a mother – from keeping toys in cots to potty training to winning the war against bedtime resistance and beyond.